
To be at a live concert of your favorite singer and to meet her briefly afterwards is and remains a great wish for many people. For Maxence, however, this wish recently came true! Thanks to the support of Mr. Jean Müller, we were able to organize a meet and greet...


Romain has a great passion in his life, which he told us about. Despite his disability, he loves going on hikes with his beloved. Because of this handicap, however, only smaller excursions have been on their agenda so far. Unlike his wife, he has not yet had any aids....

Lyo 2

A few years ago, Lyo wanted to travel to the cold north and recently he asked us to help him on a little trip south. This journey was not just a trip to the sun, but as some other children had requested, he wanted to take part in dolphin therapy. Our team immediately...


Zayon is a little boy, five years old, who was born much too early. This premature birth meant that he unfortunately has very severe physical paralysis. This disability makes it impossible for him to walk and talk, but he can understand many things. There is one thing...


E weidere ganz interessante Wonsch hu mir vun de Scoute vu Gamma Lëtzebuerg era kritt. Hei handelt et sech net em gewéinlech Scoute, mee em e besonnesche Grupp. Bei Gamma Lëtzebuerg sinn nämlech nëmmen Scoute mat enger geeschteger oder kierperlecher Beeinträchtegung...

Vélos Evasion

The "Vélo Evasion" association from Bastogne contacted us to tell us about their project and to ask for our support. A group of cycling enthusiasts have set themselves the goal of fighting against the social exclusion of people with disabilities. They came up with the...


Bronka is a little girl who was diagnosed with a form of autism some time ago. After her parents tried lots of different activities and sports, but Bronka didn't really feel comfortable or at home anywhere, they tried the Leederwon in Betzdorf. It was there that we...

Elian and Johan

Even small wishes are worth fulfilling! Elian and his brother Johan had to leave their home country of Colombia with their family and now have refugee status. Both boys already have major problems with their eyes at a young age and Elian lost his glasses on the way to...


One project that we have been supporting for several years is the coverage of costs for riding therapy for young people with very different histories. During such therapy, as in the example of Kiara, they learn how to handle the horse, take responsibility and take...


To be there live in the stadium once again when his favorite team is playing - that was Pasquale's big wish! Together with his family, we sent him to Milan and gave him the opportunity to support his "I Nerazzuri" at the Giuseppe Meazza stadium. His team didn't let...

What can you wish for?

a gift

meet your idol

visit an event

a trip

something useful

something else

Who can ask for a wish?

no age limit

you live primarily in Luxembourg or in a neighbouring country

you’ve been struck by a stroke of fate

Already fullfilled wishes



Thomas is 56 years old and became wheelchair-bound after a traffic accident. Recently, fate struck a second time when he suffered a stroke. Together with his partner, Thomas contacted us and asked for our support. His wish: an electric wheelchair that is suitable for...

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Retirement home

Retirement home

Shortly before the holidays, we visited two retirement homes and surprised a total of 30 residents who rarely receive visitors. We organized a small celebration for them and listened to them as they told us about their everyday lives. We took the opportunity to get to...

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Winter market

Winter market

Just before the holidays, we would like to tell you about a small wish that we have fulfilled in the last few days. Together with five groups of refugee children, we visited the winter market in Luxembourg City, where the children were able to experience some...

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Christmas 23

Christmas 23

This time of year is known for thinking even more about people who are not doing so well. We took this to heart and made a whole family happy! We gave a single mother, who has cancer and is currently going through chemo, and her children a few nice moments for...

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We have already fulfilled one or two of Rigobert's wishes in the past. Due to his full-body paraplegia, he is not only dependent on human care in his everyday life, but until now he also needed a complicated installation to work with his computer. As a so-called...

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Our foundation also does a lot to promote wheelchair sports, because even in this situation it is important to remain active. Carlos, as we have supported in the past, contacted us and asked for our help to finance his new Handike. With his enthusiasm and his...

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Igor is 14 years old and has spastic paralysis. He got acquainted with our adapted bicycle for wheelchairs in his school (CEM) and with great joy he makes many trips to the nature with it. This indescribable joy has also been noticed by his family and as a result they...

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Eric is a passionate amateur photographer and therefore always looking for a great subject. Despite his severe and rare, degenerative disease, he doesn't let it get him down and lives for his passion. There is something he wishes for a long time, to experience the...

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Tristan is a seven-year-old boy who has a terrible genetic disease. One of the negative aspects of this disease is that Tristan has the strength of a seven-year-old but the mental capacity of a one-year-old baby. That is why Tristan's family wanted a very special wall...

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Ajla is 18 and suffers from Rhett's syndrome. Because of this condition, she needs the help of a third party for everything in her daily life. Even speech is unfortunately impossible for her, making communication very difficult. Until her 18th birthday, she was able...

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Hazem is a young Afghan refugee who got out of Kabul with his father at the last minute in 2021. His father was a lab technician and worked for MSF France and also for the French Embassy. Hazem studied agricultural economics at university in Kabul. Once in Luxembourg,...

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Maksym and Enei

Maksym and Enei

Maksym and Enei also recently got the opportunity to travel to Turkey to participate in a dolphin therapy. Together with their parents, the two brothers, who were diagnosed with autism at an early age, spent ten days in the south. Whether in the water with the...

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In case you wish to contact us, you can give us a call or leave your message here. We love to answer all further questions. If you may be interested to lend us a hand during the different events we organise, you can simply write us here too.

We are always looking to work with other  organisations and people so feel free to leave us a few words.