

To be at a live concert of your favorite singer and to meet her briefly afterwards is and remains a great wish for many people. For Maxence, however, this wish recently came true! Thanks to the support of Mr. Jean Müller, we were able to organize a meet and greet...


Romain has a great passion in his life, which he told us about. Despite his disability, he loves going on hikes with his beloved. Because of this handicap, however, only smaller excursions have been on their agenda so far. Unlike his wife, he has not yet had any aids....
Lyo 2

Lyo 2

A few years ago, Lyo wanted to travel to the cold north and recently he asked us to help him on a little trip south. This journey was not just a trip to the sun, but as some other children had requested, he wanted to take part in dolphin therapy. Our team immediately...


Zayon is a little boy, five years old, who was born much too early. This premature birth meant that he unfortunately has very severe physical paralysis. This disability makes it impossible for him to walk and talk, but he can understand many things. There is one thing...


E weidere ganz interessante Wonsch hu mir vun de Scoute vu Gamma Lëtzebuerg era kritt. Hei handelt et sech net em gewéinlech Scoute, mee em e besonnesche Grupp. Bei Gamma Lëtzebuerg sinn nämlech nëmmen Scoute mat enger geeschteger oder kierperlecher Beeinträchtegung...
Vélos Evasion

Vélos Evasion

The “Vélo Evasion” association from Bastogne contacted us to tell us about their project and to ask for our support. A group of cycling enthusiasts have set themselves the goal of fighting against the social exclusion of people with disabilities. They came...